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How Do You Ask For A Divorce?

Divorce is one of life’s most difficult crosses to bear, so says a clich‚. Clich‚ or not, it also is one of the most painful times not just for you but for your partner as well.

If you have finally decided to end your marriage, there should be a serious consideration on the manner of informing your spouse. The main point is to minimize the hurt and the anger that will surely follow.

Consider your spouse

First, your spouse should be the first person to know about your decision in wanting a divorce, not your relatives, your friends, or your children. It will be to your disadvantage (your spouse will pile it on you) if the news comes from other people.

You may seek some professional advice on what to do if you are sure that your spouse can become violent, be self-destructive or simply cannot handle such a grave situation. What is important is that your spouse should get the news only from you.

Objectivity, kindness and planning

Some people can be objective in discussing very personal and sensitive things such as a divorce. If you cannot be objective, then you can be kind.

Very few divorced people can grasp the fact that their partners are hurting just as badly as they are. So, even if you had been through hell and back, you can still be as civil as you can in the situation.

There is no point in replaying all the faults of your spouse. Your spouse will contest every one of them, anyway, and your discussion can only become another noisy argument.

The key is planning. Plan what you want to say and how to say them.

Knowing your partners probable reactions, you would know how to place your words comfortably for both of you and your spouse. Know the exact time when to go into details and when to be firm. Also prepare how to end or cut short an impending argument.Corporation and Tax lawyer

Anger and other negative feelings

An expert in the field once said that “you can act your immediate feelings and get short-term emotional satisfaction. Or you can manage those feelings and pursue long-term interests.”

It does not mean of course that you will not feel anger, loss, betrayal or jealousy. It only means that you should not act on these feelings to harm your future. You will only do yourself harm if you act on anger alone.( Corporate and tax lawyer in dhaka)


Divorce is never easy. But you can soften it at the outset from your end.

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